GMail + GTalk for BlackBerry RIM

GMail + GTalk for BlackBerry RIM
GMail + GTalk for BlackBerry RIMGMail + GTalk is a full-featured email and chat application for BlackBerry devices, designed for popular Google Mail and Talk services.With GMail+ GTalk you can easily review the correspondence in your Google mail box, compose new mail messages and operate with address books currently having an amusing communication with your buddies via Google Talk service.
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GMail+ GTalk makes possible mail checkup and instant communication no matter where you are and what you're involved in besides it is working cost-saving and in real-time.
GMail+ GTalk works on all phones, which are Blackberry RIM allowing you to use the same Google mail accounts which you operate on your desktop PC.

The main features:
Google Talk instant messaging;
Gmail options: mail creation, view and operations;
The application keeps the contact list information on the respective servers.
Simultaneous connection to Gmail and Google Talk;
Full presence status support;
Switching between several accounts of Google Talk;
Switching between open dialogs;
Alerts configuration;
Volume, sound and vibration configuration;
Various Contact List views;
Auto connect to Google Talk;
Contact list management functions, including facilities to add a new contact and to delete a contact;
Sound alert and LED blinking for incoming messages and new letters;
Notifications in dialog at user's change status;
Full emoticons support;
Message History;
Search and filter history by date and by sender;
Predefined Messages;
E-mail addresses and URLs are automatically hyperlinked in dialog. So, you can easily email or switch to these links;
Auto text support;
Facility to email messages to online and offline Google Talk users;
Convenient division of Settings by different subjects;
Mail auto update in GMail.
5 days of full functional trial.
Don't have Gmail account yet? Buy GMail + GTalk for Blackberry and get invitation to set up an account.

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