Black berry Internet server

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The All-in-one, all-you-need solution Do you need to be out of the office, but still accessible and in the loop? Do you want to be able to get in touch with your colleagues, family and friends while on the go? Do you want a handheld or business phone that works just as hard as you do? Then the BlackBerry Internet Solution™ is for you - offering phone, email, SMS, organizer and browser capabilities. All in one easy-to-use wireless device. BlackBerry® gives you the functionality of your mobile phone with superior email and SMS capabilities. It allows you to communicate quickly and efficiently. Plus, you can be organized - BlackBerry® devices offer a convenient organizer, complete with integrated address book and calendar. And with browser capabilities, you can easily access information on the web.Nothing beats BlackBerry® "push" technology. When an email message is sent to you, it's automatically pushed to your BlackBerry® device. No prompting. No downloading. With BlackBerry Internet Solution™, you're in the know.BenefitsGet Away While on the go, a BlackBerry® device is a wireless connection to your work - keeping you in the loop, not chained to your desk. It's your phone. Your organizer. Your inbox. Your browser. It's all you should need to take with you.Peace of Mind Rest assured, BlackBerry Internet Solution™ is on the job. With its "push" technology, emails are automatically sent from your inbox to your BlackBerry® device. No prompting. No downloading. No worries. Your email will find you. Until then, sleep tight.Email Address As a BlackBerry Internet Solution™ subscriber, you will receive a personal BlackBerry® email account (for eg, This will be the default address for your BlackBerry® device, from which you can send and receive emails wirelessly.Configure email settings You need to login to the BlackBerry Internet Service™ web interface to access and configure your BlackBerry Internet Service™ email accounts. Click here to login now.
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